"Ltd. "SPC" Katyusha"

Entero-sorbent SKT-6a of HP

Production of the medical designation

Adsorbent carbon medical SKT-6A of high purity, (SKT-6A of HP).

                       State registration № 79/766-66
   Adsorbent is permitted for the application in the medical practice by the Ministry of Pub. Health of the USSR in 1979.
     Relates to the group of the polymodal sorbents, which have macro-, meso- and micropores, the internal surface is equal to 1300 sq. meters per the gram, the granules of cylindrical form with a diameter of up to 1 mm and with a length of up to 5 mm. SKT-6A of HP is used for obtaining the wide number entero- and haemosorbents of domestic manufacture.
     Therapeutic properties are connected with the ability to sorb metabolites, toxins of different nature, xenobiotics, allergens, microorganisms from the biological fluids.
    Adsorbent carbon medical SKT-6A of HP was developed in 1975 - 1979 yr. in the former Leningrad  Institute of Technology named after Lensovet (Leningrad Soviet of Workers' Deputies) (now St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University) {SPb.S.I.T.T.U.}) in the cooperation with the specialists of different medical institutes.
        Indications to the application:
SKT-6A of HP use during the diseases of gastrointestinal tract, the exogenous and endogenous intoxications, the disturbances of fatty and other the forms of exchange.
        Method of application as the entero-sorbent:
Carbon use orally to the hungry stomach in the spaces between the ingestion of food and medicines.
The maximum dose in a 24 hour period not more than 4 table spoons for adult and not more than 4 tea spoons for the children is determined by the doctor in attendance. Novices should be one-two days used on one tea spoon in the morning and in the evening.
    The adsorbent SKT-6A of HP uses in the following order: it is in the morning not less than one hour prior to breakfast, between the breakfast and the dinner, between dinner and supper and finally two hours after supper before the sleep. The spoon of sorbent is taken into the mouth in the dry or moistened form and they wash down by water, or sorbent is added into the cup with a small quantity of water, they intermix and drink together with the water.
     The duration of the application of carbon with the sharp form of diseases not more 3- 10, the maximum of 15 days is determined by the doctor in attendance. Interruption 10- 15 days for restoring the biological equilibrium in the organism is done after the session of entero-absorption.
     In the case of the chronic course of indispositions the dose and the duration of the application of a entero-sorbent is determined by the doctor in attendance.
Presence of ulcerous process in the gastrointestinal tract, the steadfast weakening of peristalsis, haemorrhoid.
        Storage conditions:
Carbon for the entero-absorption is stored in the tightly closed packing. Period of fitness during the correct storage equals 5 years.

     The comparative tables of the properties of different sorbents see. in the book ENTEROSORPTION, L.1991, editor  professor N. A. Belyakoff...
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